English introduction
English, known as the world language, provides the path for international communication, higher education, cultural exchange, global business and tourism. According to the Education Bureau, the aims of English Language Education are:
- To develop learners’ English proficiency for study, work and leisure;
- To provide them with opportunities for personal and intellectual development;
- To extend their knowledge and experience of other cultures through the English medium; and
- Help them overcome the challenges of the rapidly changing and keenly competitive knowledge-based society of Hong Kong
The school-based English programme is the organic combination of both General English and Space Town. We strive to design more hands on activities with younger students in order to help them learn and understand the different topics faster, just like the making of paper plate masks, baked cupcakes and rubber band powered cars in Space Town. With the foundation laid in Space Town process writing, students in KS2 embark on a Language across Curriculum (LaC) journey to the forest school, aiming to explore and investigate plants, insects, herbs, butterflies and water issues in nature.
Our English Department goals are to support our students
- To enjoy reading books with a variety of text types and engaging in language arts activities;
- To develop confidence in free expression, imagination and creativity;
- To learn through a diversity of activities, such as choral speaking, games and dramas;
- To develop strategies and engage in self-access language learning on their own initiative
Book Character Day:
The English Department has successfully held a Book Character Day! This year the theme was about the nature world created by the world-renowned author Eric Carle. Students enjoyed reading different books written by him, shared their favourite characters from his books and some even dressed up as their character! Best of all, students were excited to take part in various game booths making puzzles, throwing beanbags, firing toy guns, getting tattoos, fishing, matching and designing their one and only bookmarks! What a fun and fantastic day it was for all!
Learning English is fun! Students from Primary 1 to 6 take part in many exciting activities and here are some of the highlights.
In our ‘Space Town’ literacy programme, teachers will allow students to make their very own cars out of recyclable materials. The Primary 4- and 5-year groups will each complete two literacy across curriculum projects based on the beautiful environment that we are surrounded in this year. Students in Primary 4 will design their very own creative storybook and postcard. Primary 5 students will create their own recipe and storybook.
Our school will hold the English Day this year! The English teachers will prepare around 20 different English game booths for the students to play at. Students will practice using English through the wide variety of games.

P1 students enjoying the yummy cakes they made with our NET, Mr. Keeping.
A glimpse of Ling Ying English Activities
Book Sharing Presentation Hungry for Insect Facts Students Engage!
Question Time Students Dive In! Joint School Reading Activities with Hong Kong International School
Feeling the Monsters World Cuisine by Country Game
Wildlife Match-Up Jelly Cup Mastermind
Fun to Learn Adjectives through Games Come and Chat with our NET, Mr. Keeping
Come and Chat with our NET, Mr. Keeping